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Friday, August 18, 2023

Canada's Student Direct Stream Requires IELTS 6 Score

 Some international students can get their study permits faster by using the SDS. IRCC processes most SDS applications within 20 calendar days if the eligibility requirements are met.

Only applications submitted electronically are eligible for SDS processing. All paper applications are processed under the regular study permit application stream and are subject to the associated processing times.

Foreign nationals who are eligible for SDS processing are still subject to all other eligibility and admissibility requirements under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR).

Eligibility criteria

The applicant must include the following documents to be eligible for SDS processing:

  1. proof of a valid language test result, completed within 2 years of the date the SDS application was received, showing either of the following:
    • an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score of 6.0 or higher in each language skill: listening, reading, writing and speaking
    • test évaluation de français (TEF) score that is equivalent to a Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) score of at least 7 for each ability
  2. read full requirements here:

Monday, August 07, 2023

English as a Second Language Classes in Windsor Ontario


English language pronunciation includes all the mechanical functions and skills of language sound production and the specific word pronunciation patterns of the English language in context.

The mechanical functions and skills include placement of the lips, tongue, use of teeth, glottis, expanding or contracting the mouth cavity, use of nasal passages and soft palate, vocal folds, controlling the intake and outflow of air, devoicing, breathing and timing.

English language pronunciation class skills and exercises include initial consonant and vowel pronunciation, syllable pronunciation, individual syllable stress patterns, diphthongs and consonant clusters, initial word pronunciation, syllable stress patterns in words, intonation and timing for words, phrases, clauses, complete sentences, expressions and interjections.

English language pronunciation class can take the form of individual drills or group drills by listening and repeating the correct English language pronunciation exercises.

English language pronunciation class can take the form of reading and speaking. Students are expected to read and speak aloud correctly pronouncing each of the words or passages.

Advanced English language pronunciation classes can include accent reduction. Accent reduction can be un-learning in-correct pronunciation and re-learning correct English pronunciation. Accent reduction can also be the initial establishment or correction of pronunciation patterns, speed, timing, stress and intonation.


English language grammar includes all the technical grammar functions, word placement rules and the "language-art skills" of written language production using English language vocabulary.

English grammar class can include the classification, rules and functions for the eight parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.

English grammar class can include the classification, rules and functions for tenses, verbals, conditionals, abbreviations, contractions and punctuation.

English grammar class can include the classification, rules and functions for phrases, clauses and complete sentences.

English grammar class can include the classification, rules and functions for singular or plural, countable or uncountable, male or female or neutral, tangible or intangible, finite or infinite, real or unreal vocabulary words.

English grammar class can include the classification, rules and functions for writing formats, register, audience, level, purpose and style.

English grammar classes can be organized for general English , test-preparation, academic preparation or for working professionals.


Excellent vocabulary classes will enable the learner brain to make a memory. When you see the word, your brain is making one type of memory. When you hear the word, your brain is making another memory of the target word. When you say the word, you are reforming and reinforcing the memory. Repetition will put the short-term memory of learned words into the longer-term memory. With more brain word networks, repetitions and longer term memories the learner will discover it is easier to always use the word in an expanded and accessible English language vocabulary.

English language vocabulary classes can be designed for the three different levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced students.

English language vocabulary classes can be designed for students studying math, science, music, art, computers and a wider variety of more specific subjects.

Advanced English language vocabulary classes can be designed for professionals such as medicine, engineering, law, diplomacy or international relations.

In excellent vocabulary classes students will hear, see, say and re-use the target words in context .


English Language writing is defined as: the activity of putting something in written form; the act of creating written works; letters or symbols written or imprinted on a surface to represent the ideas, sounds or words of a language; the work of a writer; anything expressed using the letters of the alphabet in words; and others.

English Language Writing Class can include the mechanical actions, functions and skills for handwriting or electronic data input.

English Language Writing Classes can include all of the English language grammar rules and procedures and specific writing formats, register, audience, level, purpose and style.

English Language Writing Classes can include formal, informal, slang, jargon, expressions, and texting vocabulary.

English Language Writing Classes can be organized for general English writing, writing for test-preparation such as TOEFL TOEIC IELTS or Cambridge tests, academic preparation for undergraduate or graduate programs or working professionals in medicine, law, engineering, science, academics and others.

 English as a Second Language Classes in Windsor Ontario can be online or in-person or at your location. Email:

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Use context to understand meaning in the chaos of English

 Use context to understand meaning in the chaos of English

(context is king)

What is a paradox?

A paradox can be a rhetorical device or can mean a statement that is self-contradictory.

As a rhetorical device, paradox is “a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.” 

For example: My friend is worried because the more she sleeps, the more tired she feels in the morning instead of waking up well rested.  The idea that less is more seems contradictory, but the statement contains a truth.

What is a contradiction? [ kon-truh-dik-shuhn ]  noun

The act of contradicting; gainsaying or opposition: assertion of the contrary or opposite.

A contradiction is a situation or ideas in opposition to one another. Declaring publicly that you are an environmentalist but never recycling anything is an example of a contradiction.

Synonyms for contradiction:

conflict, difference, disagreement, discrepancy, dispute, inconsistency, confutation, contravention, defiance, denial, dissension, incongruity, negation, opposite, opposition, bucking, gainsaying

What is an oxymoron?

An oxymoron is also a noun that’s defined as “a figure of speech by which a seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in ‘cruel kindness’ or  ‘to make haste slowly.'” So when contradictory or opposing words are combined, that expression is an oxymoron. 

Additional examples of this rhetorical device include living death, bittersweet, toughlove.

What is a contronym ? [con·tro·nym]  noun  plural noun: contronyms

A word with two opposite meanings,  

e.g. sanction (which can mean both ‘a penalty for disobeying a law’  and  ‘official permission or approval for an action’).

What is a synonym for contronym?

Frequently described as "words that are their own opposites," contronyms 

(contranym is a variant spelling) are also known as Janus words, antagonyms, and autoantonyms. 

These are words that have developed contradictory meanings.

Contronym Examples:

Finished - Finished can mean completed, or ended or destroyed

All the dishes are washed so I am finished.

After the third knee injury his basketball career was finished.

Bound - Bound can mean “going to a destination” or “being restrained from movement.”

He is bound for pro sports.

The prisoner was bound by his wrists and ankles.

Fast - fast can mean quick, or stuck or made stable

The hummingbird flew very fast between flowers.

The old chewing gum was stuck fast to the sidewalk.

Buckle - Buckle can mean “to fasten or secure” or “to break or collapse.”

I made sure to properly buckle my daughter in her car seat.

The balcony buckled from the weight of too many spectators.

Left - Left can mean “leave” or “remain.”

They had left by lunch time

Expedia claims - only two seats are left.

Off - Off can mean “activated” or “deactivated.”

The alarm went off.

The alarms are off.

Throw out - Throw out can mean “to discard something” or “to offer something.”

I’m going to throw out these old shoes.

I’m going to throw out some ideas for you.

Wind up - Wind up can mean “to bring something to a conclusion or finish” or “to start something.”

Let’s wind up this meeting because it’s getting late.

You need to wind up the toy so it can start.

hypocrite - [ hip-uh-krit ] noun

A person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that they do not actually possess, especially a person whose actions are opposite of stated beliefs.

A person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements are opposite of their public statements.